In principle, all women have more or less different sized breasts, or what we call breast asymmetry.
If the breast are very dissimilar, this can create problems. It can cause physical problems in the form of slanted weight on the back, which can cause back pain.
Most often it’s a cosmetic problem with visibly different sized breasts. In some cases, you may have an undesirable shape to your breasts, which could be pointed or saggy. This can also be corrected with plastic surgery on the breasts. If the smaller breast is the size you want, then you reduce and lift the larger one and only lift the smaller one.
If, on the other hand, you think the larger breast has the volume that you want, you can enlarge the smaller breast with a prosthesis. If you want to increase the volume of both breasts, you choose different sizes of the prostheses to correct the asymmetry. If you’re satisfied with the shape of the breasts, the incision can be placed in the armpit. This is carefully tried out at the consultation before the operation, so obviously you have a great opportunity to make choices for yourself. The operation is done under general anaesthesia and you stay one night at the clinic. The sick leave period is two to four weeks.
For more questions about the procedure itself, about our prices, or if you want to book a consultation time you can contact us, see below.
Phone 040 - 30 17 50, 0418-22 000 | Phone times Mon-Thu 8 am to 7 pm | Phone time Friday 8 am-5pm
To book a consultation time, call us on 0418-22 000 or 040-30 17 50. You can also find a time and book yourself.
Please note that booking on the web only applies to new visits.