We all have our personal favourites within Fillers and muscle relaxants. At Reformkliniken, we offer the best-known and most documented brands on the market. We mainly use Juvederm (Filler) and Vistabel.
We choose the best products based on your needs and wishes. The price may vary depending on which area you want to treat and which combination of treatments you choose. Our goal is always to create the result you want which looks natural in the eye of the beholder. At a free consultation you’ll get a realistic idea of the price.
Juvederm consists of Hyaluronic acid, a sugar identical to the body’s own. Hyaluronic acid exists naturally in the body and helps to keep the skin elastic and to lubricate joints. The clear part comes with different viscosities which give a variety of opportunities to quickly and easily improve your appearance. From highlighting cheekbones with Juvederm's Voluma to skin rejuvenation with Juvederm Volite. Sculpting noses and ear lobes are other areas that fillers are perfectly suited towards. Neck, decolletage and hands, too.
Juvederm contains Lidocaine which makes the injection relatively painless. We’re also very generous with numbing creams, for example, for lip enlargements. How long a treatment lasts is very individual and varies by the type of filler and area. However, expect to need to replenish after 4-6 months.
The day after treatment you may feel swollen and possibly be bruised. Side effects such as infection and ulcers may occur but are uncommon. We always offer a return visit after about 2 weeks for a follow-up.
Vistabel is a medicine that prevents the muscles from contracting where the injection is given. In this way, the skin is smoothed out and wrinkles are minimised. This muscle relaxation is temporary and gradually decreases.
Areas that are a good fit for this especially are the areas between the eyebrows, the forehead and around the eyes. We can also open up your gaze and make a small eyebrow lift. Furthermore, we can treat pulled-down, miserable looking corners of the mouth, wrinkles around the mouth, wrinkled chin and throat. In addition, Vistabel is very effective against tooth grinding and arm sweat.
A very thin needle is used and the treatment is not very painful at all. We use small doses discharged directly into the muscle. Usually, the treatment is not visible instantly but can easily be covered with make-up.
The effect comes within a couple of days and lasts for 3-6 months. Side effects that you could experience are light headaches and possibly bruising. No lasting side effects have been reported but you should avoid massaging the area, exercising, sunbathing or taking a sauna for 24 hours after a treatment. After two weeks, a return visit is offered as a follow-up to the treatment.
Our complete product portfolio of fillers helps you to recreate and reinforce your specific wishes through various treatment options. All in order to offer you the best possible range and the very best treatment. All injection treatments are done by specialist trained personnel.
It’s important to consider before an injection that medications containing Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) such as Magnecyl, Treo and Ipren must not be taken in the 10 days prior to your injection. This also applies to Omega 3 and other health food preparations.
Profhilo is an innovative anti-ageing concept that counteracts skin flaccidity. It is biocompatible and easily integrates into the tissue where it restores the level of hyaluronic acid naturally found in the skin. This makes it optimal for areas that have previously been difficult to treat, including the neck, hands and arms.
Clinical data confirms that the skin's structure, elasticity and moisture balance are enhanced with an immediate firming effect. With a specially developed injection technique, a high concentration of hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin.
Preferred by patients as fewer treatment sessions are required, fewer injection places, thus reducing discomfort per session, minimal recovery time and optimal results that are visible after two treatments (1 month interval).
With a simple injection treatment, we can treat disturbed vascular ruptures and minor varicose veins on the legs. A very thin needle is used to inject a solution into the blood vessel that causes it to stick together and shrink. The blood vessel is broken down by the body and first a bruise appears, which fades over 4-6 weeks.
The vein treatment feels like small pricks but doesn’t cause any major discomfort. However, if the vessels are thicker, they may contract and become slightly sore after the treatment. If you have a lot of superficial veins, the treatment often needs to be repeated for best results. You should expect to take 1-3 treatments with a time interval of three weeks.
Pigmentation in the form of a light brown skin tone can occur but always disappears. Avoid vigorous exercise and saunas for one week after treatment. Dressings are usually not required, but we recommend that you use support socks around the treated areas day and night for a week. These are available at some pharmacies or health care stores and are good to take with you for the first treatment.
Healing is accelerated if you rub Hirudoid ointment into the area. The first tube is included as part of the treatment. After four weeks, a return visit is offered as a follow-up to the treatment.
This treatments is performed by our certified injection nurse Vjollca Gajtani in Malmö. Call or book a free consultation time below.
Phone 040 - 30 17 50
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