If one or both nipples are constantly inverted, this can be remedied with a relatively simple surgical procedure.
The surgery is done under local anaesthetic and sedative medicine and takes about twenty minutes. You can go home from the clinic the same day, as soon as you’re feeling more energised. There is no immediate pain after the procedure to worry about, sick leave is not necessary, and you can work and move around freely without any restriction immediately. After three weeks, we take the stitches out.
For more questions about the procedure itself, about our prices, or if you want to book a consultation time you can contact us, see below.
Phone 040 - 30 17 50, 0418-22 000 | Phone times Mon-Thu 8 am to 7 pm | Phone time Friday 8 am-5pm
To book a consultation time, call us on 0418-22 000 or 040-30 17 50. You can also find a time and book yourself.
Please note that booking on the web only applies to new visits.